Welcome to the new home of Mt. Rainier Futbol Club!

Return to Play Protocol 

Player safety is always the club’s priority.  As Injuries vary in severity for the safety of the player this policy helps the coaching staff, parents and players and your club develop the best possible plan for an injured player. The policy requires all three parties to be proactive in their communication and planning to help the player return to the field of play as soon as medically possible. 

  • Definition: A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells.
  • Any athlete with a suspected concussion should be immediately removed from play, and should not be returned to activity until they are assessed by a qualified medical professional. Players with a suspected concussion should not be left alone and should not drive a motor vehicle. Only qualified medical professionals should diagnose whether a concussion has occurred, or provide advice as to whether the player can return to play. There should be no return to play on the day of a concussive injury.

Immediate visual indicators of concussion include: 

(a) Loss of consciousness or responsiveness; 

(b) Lying motionless on the ground/slow to get up;

(c) A dazed, blank or vacant expression; 

(d) Appearing unsteady on feet, balance problems or falling over; 

(e) Grabbing or clutching of the head 

(f) Impact seizure or convulsion 

Concussion can include one or more of the following symptoms: 

(a) Symptoms: Headache, dizziness, “feeling in a fog”. 

(b) Behavioral changes: Inappropriate emotions, irritability, feeling nervous or anxious. 

(c) Cognitive impairment: Slowed reaction times, confusion/disorientation- not aware of location or score, poor attention and concentration, loss of memory for events up to and/or after the concussion. 

    • If concussion has been diagnosed medical progressional will lead the return to the play process. The player/parent must keep the coach and DOC updated on any change of player status and documentation on recommendations from the Dr. regarding return to play stages and steps. (IE non contact).
    • The final notification documentation must be presented by the player/parent to the team coaching staff and the appropriate DOC to be officially cleared and allowed back into competitive games. Without this, return to games cannot be allowed.
Broken Bones and Casts 
    • While a broken bone in the arm, wrist or hand does not prohibit a player from playing soccer, safety considerations of the player and the players around them is paramount. If the player is wearing a cast or splint. The following protocol must occur: 
    • The player/parent must provide medical notification to the team coaching staff and the appropriate Director of coaching (DOC) stating that the player can continue with practice and game play.
    • In addition to the player/parent notification to the proper DOC The team coaching staff must also make the DOC aware of the injury.  
    • The team coaching staff or any other MRFC team representative must comply with the Dr. notice and any restrictions that apply, if any are given.  
    • Assuming the broken bone is in a cast or splint the affected area must be wrapped and padded at all times during any practice or game play. The coach will determine sufficient protection during practice, while referees determine sufficient protection during game play.  
    • The player/parent accepts the risk of playing while injured. The player may increase his/her risk of injury, either directly related to the affected area or another location as the player may adjust their play due to the injury.  
    • The player/parent must keep the coach and DOC updated on any change of player status and recommendations from the Dr.  
    • A note is required by the Dr. stating the player can return to 100% full activity for practice and game play.  
    • The final notification must be presented by the player/parent to the team coaching staff and the appropriate DOC
Ankle and Knee Injury

In the event of a strain or sprain being severe enough to require a visit to the Dr. the following protocol must be followed: 

    • A Dr. notification must be provided by the player/parent to the team coaching staff  
    • The team coaching staff or any other MRFC team representative must comply with the Dr. notice and any restrictions that apply, if any are given.  
    • The team coaching staff must make the appropriate DOC aware of the player’s status and any restrictions recommended in the Dr. note.  
    • The player/parent accepts the risk of playing while injured. The player may increase his/her risk of injury, either directly related to the affected area or another location as the player may adjust their play to compensate for the injured area.  
    • In the event a Dr. note was provided that designated restrictions a second Dr. note is required stating that the player can return to 100% full activity for practice and game.  
    • The Dr. note clearing the player for full activity will be provided to the team coaching staff.  
    • The team coaching staff will forward the note to the appropriate Director of coaching (DOC).